In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) prepares environmental studies to identify the possible environmental impacts associated with its proposed development projects. The MAA makes copies of each draft document available to the public in an effort to obtain meaningful input regarding its proposed development, and holds public meetings during the open review period for each environmental document. The MAA responds to public questions and comments, and publishes its response in the final environmental document. The MAA must receive the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on its final environmental document in order to receive federal funding for a proposed project.

See Notice of Availability for additional publication details.

Accordion Content

Notice of Availability (November 12, 2020) (<1mb)
Final EA and Section 4(f) Determination and Finding of No Significant Impact Record of Decision (45mb)

Appendix A – Traffic Studies (124mb)
Appendix B – Draft ALP Update Narrative Report (4mb)
Appendix C – Aviation Activity Forecast (4mb)
Appendix D – Alternatives Preliminary Engineering (<1mb)
Appendix E – BWI Planning Documents (67mb)
Appendix F – Pavement Management Plan (53mb)
Appendix G – Air Quality and Climate (<1mb)
Appendix H – Biological Resources (19mb)
Appendix I – Section 4(f) Resources (6mb)
Appendix J – Historical Resources (75mb)
Appendix K – Noise (44mb)
Appendix L – Water Resources (34mb)
Appendix M – Public and Agency Involvement (161mb)
Appendix N – Comments and Responses (54mb)
Appendix O – Maryland Environmental Policy Act Checklist (<1mb)

Notice of Availability of Final EA/FONSI – Hotel Site Selection

Final EA/FONSI Document

Attachment A – Hotel Site Selection Study
Attachment B – Hotel Market Analysis
Attachment C – Traffic Study
Attachment D – Air Quality
Attachment E – Construction
Attachment F – Agency & Public
Attachment G – Hazmat Assessment
Attachment H – Stormwater Analysis
Attachment I – Environmental Assessment Form

Newspaper Announcement – Notice of Availability of Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact and Record of Decision

Environmental Assessment for Proposed Airport Improvements at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Airport (BWI Marshall), Finding of No Significant Impact and Record of Decision (Caution: 270mb download)

The Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Baltimore District (as a Cooperating Agency) and in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FAA Orders 1050.1E and 5050.4B, has completed a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and the FAA issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) / Record of Decision (ROD) for the Proposed Airport Improvements at Baltimore / Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI Marshall) in Linthicum, Maryland.

This FONSI/ROD sets forth the FAA final determinations and environmental approvals for the federal actions necessary to implement the Proposed Airport Improvements at BWI Marshall. The MAA is the sponsor of BWI Marshall.

The purpose of the Proposed Airport Improvements at BWI Marshall (the proposed action) is to allow BWI Marshall to continue to operate in a safe and efficient manner, to meet FAA design criteria, and to accommodate the Airport’s current and future needs. Each of the proposed improvements is needed for one of the following reasons:

  1. To bring BWI Marshall into compliance with FAA design standards for Runway Safety Area (RSA) improvements for Runways 15R-33L, 10-28, and 15L-33R;
  2. To bring BWI Marshall into compliance with FAA design standards for Navigational Aid (NAVAID) installation, runway to taxiway separations, perimeter roadways, taxiway configurations, line-of-sight clearance, and Runway Protection Zones (RPZs);
  3. To improve Airport egress through Terminal Exit Roadway Improvements;
  4. To improve heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) capacity;
  5. To improve existing pavement conditions through pavement rehabilitations and construction of new pavement; and
  6. To meet 14 CFR Part 77 requirements for obstruction removal; ATCT line of sight; PAPI obstacle clearance surface.

This FONSI/ROD completes a thorough and careful environmental decision making process. This includes public disclosure and review by the FAA decision maker of the analysis of alternatives and their potential impacts that are described in the April 2012 Final Environmental Assessment (FEA). This FONSI/ROD has been prepared and issued by FAA in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 USC § 4321, et seq.), its implementing regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508), and FAA directives (Orders 5050.4B, Airport Environmental Handbook and 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures).

This FONSI/ROD demonstrates and documents FAA’s compliance with the procedural requirements for safety projects and other airport development. FAA arrived at these determinations by considering public and agency comments and reviewing the environmental analysis in the FEA and all other relevant documents that comprise the EA record. People interested in reading the Final Environmental Assessment for may make arrangements by calling the MAA Office of Environmental Services at 410-859-7103 or click here.

The Maryland Aviation Administration has created an environmental overview for its neighbors and members of the aviation community who are interested in the airport, the environment and the delicate balance that exists between the two. Through this overview, the MAA hopes to relay to the public its commitment to environmental stewardship, regulatory compliance and responsible resource management. View the report.

Environmental Assessment for Proposed MAA Development at BWI Airport (2000-2005)
The MAA published a draft environmental assessment for its ongoing development on and near BWI Airport on August 30, 2000, to address the need for and potential environmental effects associated with the following proposed facilities:

  • Terminal area parking and roadway improvements
  • Terminal building additions
  • Airside improvements
  • New public parking garage
  • New tenant parking facilities
  • New consolidated rental car facility on New Ridge Road
  • Maintenance support areas

The MAA published and distributed 75 copies of the draft environmental assessment on August 30, 2000. The two-volume document was distributed to the Maryland State Publications Depository Library Network, public officials, planning agencies, and to selected public library branches in Anne Arundel, Howard and Baltimore counties. The MAA accepted public questions and comments on the draft environmental assessment from August 30 to October 15, 2000, and held a public hearing on September 28, 2000, to invite comments from the public and answer any questions.

The MAA answered all questions and comments it received on the draft environmental assessment and furnished a copy to the FAA for approval on December 15, 2000. The FAA determined that the MAA had adequately addressed the potential environmental effects of the proposed projects and all public comments, and approved the environmental assessment on December 28, 2000. The final environmental assessment was distributed to all libraries, the Maryland State Publications Depository Library Network, public officials, and planning agencies that received the draft environmental assessment.

People interested in reading the approved Environmental Assessment for Proposed MAA Development at BWI Airport (2000-2005) may make arrangements by calling the MAA Office of Environmental Services at 410-859-7103 or click here.

As required under the National Historic Preservation act, the Maryland Aviation Administration undertook archeological investigations from 2000 to 2001 to retrieve as much information as possible from the Basil Smith Farmstead site that was associated with the early truck-farming industry in Maryland. The MAA has created some web pages that describe the results of investigations at this archeological site, which is located where BWI Airport’s Consolidated Rental Car Facility now stands. To see what archeologists found at the site, click here.

Martin State Airport Logo

Notice of Availability

Final EA and Finding of No Significant Impact / Record of Decision


Appendix A: Airport Plans
Appendix B: Alternative Analysis
Appendix C: Preliminary Engineering
Appendix D: Criteria Pollutants and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Appendix E: Biological Resources
Appendix F: Hazardous Materials
Appendix G: Historical Resources
Appendix H: Noise
Appendix I: Fleet Mix Forecast
Appendix J: Water Resources
Appendix K: Stormwater
Appendix L: Public and Agency Involvement
Appendix M: Comments and Responses
Appendix N: MEPA

Newspaper Announcement – Notice of Public Scoping Meeting for Martin State Airport Environmental Assessment for Phase 1 Improvements

Scoping Information Package and Comment Form

Environmental Assessment for Martin State Airport

The MAA has proposed several facility enhancement and rehabilitation projects for Martin State Airport, such as new corporate hangars and the relocation of the air traffic control tower. On July 22, 2005, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed airside and landside improvements at Martin State Airport. The FONSI has been issued as a result of the completion of the environmental assessment process for this project in conformance with requirements set forth by the National Policy Act of 1969. People interested in reading the Final Environmental Assessment for Martin State Airport may make arrangements by calling the MAA Office of Environmental Services at 410-859-7103 or click here.