About the Maryland Aviation Commission
The 1994 General Assembly passed Chapter 457, Acts of 1994 (Transportation Article, §5-201.2 (c)) which established the Maryland Aviation Commission, effective October 1, 1994. The Commission is the successor to the Baltimore/Washington International Airport Commission, a gubernatorial advisory panel created in September 1993 by Executive Order.
The Commission’s duties include:
- Establishing policies directed toward the MAA’s ability to improve and promote the role of the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI Marshall) as an airport of service to the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area;
- Approving regulations for the operation of State-owned airports prior to adoption by the Executive Director of MAA;
- Directing MAA in developing and implementing airport management policy for all State-owned airports;
- Approving major capital projects at State-owned airports as defined in the Transportation Article, §2-103.1(a) (4), Annotated Code of Maryland;
- Considering information and advice from air carriers, airport concessionaires, the airport support services industry, airport employees, citizen advisory groups, local government and citizens from communities near airports, and other Maryland communities that have or are predicted to have potentially adverse health or community impacts from airport infrastructure and economic growth decisions, in carrying out the provisions of law relating to the Maryland Aviation Commission;
- Considering the aviation, economic, business, environmental, health and community-related impacts or any other impacts the Commission finds relevant to the decisions of the Commission or the Administration; and
- Determining the qualifications, appointment and compensation for twelve (12) senior management personnel positions and providing advice to the Chair on the appointment or removal of the Executive Director.
Mr. Paul Wiedefeld (Chair)
Mr. Ned Carey
Mr. Jesse Chancellor
Ms. T. Chineta K. Davis
Ms. Lisa Ellis
Mr. Drew Hawkins
Mr. José Morales
Mr. Raymond C. Nichols
Ms. Mary Reese
Dr. Cedric Sims
Mr. David L. Winstead
Dr. Zafar Zafari
Mr. Kevin Anderson (ex officio)
Maryland Aviation Commission 2024 - 2025 Meeting Dates
Upcoming Meetings
- February 19, 2025 | 1:00 p.m.
Agenda | Video | Minutes - June 18, 2025 | 1:00 p.m.
- August 20, 2025 | 1:00 p.m.
- November 12, 2025 | 1:00 p.m.
The public is welcome to attend the proceedings; however, the public cannot disrupt the proceedings.
If you wish to comment on an agenda item, please email your name, affiliation, and agenda item you wish to comment on (if applicable) to Staci Gorden at sgorden@bwiairport.com no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting.
At the appropriate time during the meeting the Chairman will call you by name and you will have two minutes to comment on the agenda item you referenced in your email. Questions will not be answered during this time.
The meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room A/B, Third Floor, BWI Marshall Terminal Building, unless otherwise noted. Signage for Third Floor Access is located at the Concourse C exit lane on the Upper Level. Please follow the directions at the elevator to gain access to the Third Floor. For assistance with access to Maryland Aviation Commission meetings, please call 410-859-7060.
If you would like to attend the meeting virtually, please email your request for virtual attendance to Staci Gorden at sgorden@bwiairport.com no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting.